Nototeuthis dimegacotyle
Michael Vecchione and Richard E. YoungIntroduction
N. dimegacotyle is known from only 3 essentially intact and 2 partial (tentacles only) specimens, the largest of which is an immature female about 83 mm ML.
Brief diagnosis:
A neoteuthid ...- with short clubs (<40% of ML) and long fins (60% of ML).
- with 2 greatly enlarged suckers on distal-manus.
- Arms
- Large suckers of arms I-III with 12-16 tall, blunt teeth on distal side.
- Tentacles
- Tentacular club short (<40% of ML).
- Two greatly enlarged suckers in distal manus.
- Length of proximal manus (area with numerous sucker series) less than half of club length.
- Proximal manus suckers not laterally compressed.
- Dactylus with suckers in three or fewer series; ventral two series with large suckers of equal size.
- Locking apparatus present along dorsal margin of manus (suckers in straight line) and well onto stalk (suckers in oblique pairs) without distinct carpal cluster. Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Top - Oral view of tentacular club of N. dimegacotyla, holotype. Drawing from Nesis and Nikitina, 1986. Bottom - Oral view of tentacular club of N. dimegacotyla, 45 mm ML, immature female, 33° 02'S, 77° 02'W (USNM 266221). Squid removed from the stomach of Alepisaurus ferox, sucker rings damaged and shape, of large suckers of the distal manus, distorted. Photograph by R. Young.
- Fins
- Fins long, length 60% of ML.
This description is taken from Nesis and Nikitina (1986).
More details of the description of N. dimegacotyle can be found here.
The two large distal manal suckers separate this species from other members of the family. The slender tail may be an artifact of damage during capture.
Type locality: Southeastern Pacific off southern Chile at 50°38.5'S, 81°40.5'W. The holotype was taken in a tow (0 - 500 m over bottom of 4200 m) that also captured Gonatus antarcticus. Water temperature at the surface was 9.5°C. Additional specimens have come from 42°08'S, 147°08'W, 40°58'S, 104°22'W, 41°30'S, 108°54'W (Nesis and Nikitina, 1992) and 33° 02'S, 77° 02'W (USNM) in the South Pacific. All of the captures lie between the Southern Subtropical and the Antarctic Polar frontal zones. Nesis and Nikitina suggest that this species is a member of the notalian (southern temperate) fauna.
Nesis, K.N., and I.V. Nikitina. 1986. New Genus and Species of Squid of the Family Neoteuthidae (Cephalopoda, Oegopsida) from the South-eastern Part of the Pacific Ocean. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 65(2):290-294.
Nesis, K. N. and I. V. Nikitina. 1992. New records of oceanic squids Walvisteuthis virilis Nesis et Nikitina, 1986 and Nototeuthis dimegacotyle Nesis et Nikitina, 1986 (Cephalopoda, Oegopsida) from the South Atlantic and the South Pacific. Ruthenica, 2: 55-58.
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National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
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. Nototeuthis dimegacotyle . Michael Vecchione and Richard E. Young.
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Vecchione, Michael and Richard E. Young. 2003. Nototeuthis in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Nototeuthis dimegacotyle . Version 01 January 2003 (under construction).