- Arthropterus abnormis Oke, 1932
- Arthropterus ambitiosus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus angulatus W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus angulicornis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus articularis Elston, 1919
- Arthropterus bisinuatus W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus brevicollis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus brevis (Westwood, 1851)
- Arthropterus brunni Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus cerapteroides Mjöberg, 1916
- Arthropterus constricticeps Sloane, 1933
- Arthropterus cribrosus Sloane, 1933
- Arthropterus cylindricus Masters, 1886
- Arthropterus daemelianus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus darlingensis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus denudatus (Westwood, 1850)
- Arthropterus depressus W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus discrepans Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus donovani Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus elongatulus W.J. MacLeay, 1871
- Arthropterus eruditulus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus foveicollis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus foveipennis Blackburn, 1892
- Arthropterus fraternus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus geminus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus hirtus W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus hopii (Westwood, 1843)
- Arthropterus horni Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus howittensis Masters, 1885
- Arthropterus howittii W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus insidiosus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus kingii W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus limitans Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus longicollis Sloane, 1933
- Arthropterus macleaii (Donovan, 1805)
- Arthropterus mastersii W.J. MacLeay, 1871
- Arthropterus negligens Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus nigricornis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus novellus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus occidentalis Blackburn, 1892
- Arthropterus occidentalis occidentalis Blackburn, 1892
- Arthropterus occidentalis orientalis Sloane, 1993
- Arthropterus ominosus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus ovicollis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus parallelocerus (Westwood, 1850)
- Arthropterus pellax Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus pervicax Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus petax Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus piceus (Westwood, 1838)
- Arthropterus planicornis Sloane, 1933
- Arthropterus punctatissimus (Westwood, 1874)
- Arthropterus puncticollis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus queenslandiae Wasmann, 1926
- Arthropterus riverinae W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus rockhamptonensis W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus schismaticus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus schismaticus inconstans Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus schismaticus schismaticus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus schroederi Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus secedens Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus simiolus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus socius Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus spadiceus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus subampliatus W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus subangulatus Kolbe, 1924
- Arthropterus subsulcatus (Westwood, 1850)
- Arthropterus turneri W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus waterhousei W.J. MacLeay, 1873
- Arthropterus westwoodii W.J. MacLeay, 1871
- Arthropterus wilsoni (Westwood, 1850)
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- First online 13 March 2009
- Content changed 13 March 2009
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2009. Arthropterus in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 13 March 2009 (temporary).